Club Activities
It's all about keeping fit and having fun. We offer a range of activities for members to enjoy, and we encourage walkers, runners and athletes of all ages and abilities. Our aim is to share our love of running, by creating opportunities for runners to RUN!

Time Trials
Time Trials are a wonderful way to develop speed and fitness, in a fun and friendly environment.
Tuesday evenings are also our club evenings, with a fast 5km or 8km TT.
Everyone is welcome.
#TimeTrialTuesday :
Start Time - 5:45pm
Old Parks Sports Club, Bordeaux

Club Tents At Races
RAC provides members with a club tent at various races in our area, where you can get together with fellow club members after your race.
See you at the races !

Club Runs
The weekend long run has become a vital part of training for many runners, either as race day preparation, or as part of their pre Comrades LSD training.
RAC offers a selection of well planned club run routes that showcase our beautiful leafy suburbs, while providing some excellent and varied training runs.

Cross Country
Cross Country is FAST, FURIOUS and FUN. The competition is intense, but it’s also the friendliest and most companionable of all the athletics disciplines. Cross Country requires strength, guile and the ability to handle uneven and undulating terrain. During the winter months, cross country fixtures take place at various venues around Johannesburg. Runners ages vary from 8 to 80 - Anyone can run Cross Country, not just elites.

Morning Training
The hardest part of running, is often just getting out of the door.
Running with a regular group helps with motivation and consistency and there's the obvious safety in numbers. We have a few running groups in our nearby suburbs which cater for runners of all abilities.

Whether you're a novice or a green number runner, we all need support and encouragement to get us through the 6 months of training before Comrades, not to mention support on the actual day.
RAC assists runners from all backgrounds and abilities, from preparation to completion.
Nobody gets left behind!